The Lancaster school district in New York state bucked majority opinion and voted to end the use of R-skins as a high school's name and mascot (see Superintendent Michael J. Vallely explains, "We realize that traditions are sometimes hard to leave behind, but we do need to rethink traditions when they have become hurtful and perceived as disrespectful of others, even unitentionally." This valiant action was not popular in the local community. The school board was booed loudly in a public meeting. Civil rights is often not popular with the majority. But Mr. Snyder would have an easier time doing the right thing regarding the name of the Washington football team. While a majority in the DC area may still support the name, perhaps out of inertia for a 70 year old name, a growing and substantial minority is uncomfortable with it. In the long run, Mr. Snyder would end the increasing divisiveness and ugliness associated with the controversy. A name change would ultimately be hailed by fans and the community. Mr. Snyder -- if a small school board can ban the use of ethnic slurs, so can you!
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AuthorJosh Silver is one of the founders of RWF and is a life time fan that wants the name changed! Archives
February 2022
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